On Redbubble, high quality products derive from my mosaic creations and studies. Amba Aradam floor pillow The present Mosaic-Blues site is mostly dedicated to showcasing my own mosaics. It is…
A five days mosaics trip. The itinerary and logistics of a 5 days trip to sightsee Roman mosaics of Northeastern France and Western Germany. Detailed articles about the actual mosaics…
Documenting the empire’s mosaics For the past 5 years I have been traveling the Roman empire. I still have a lot to see. Political upheavals in some parts of Africa…
Roman art in your kitchen. In September 2018 I started working on a line of designs based on my studies of Roman mosaics Roman frescoes , and my own mosaics.…
Roman Mosaics often depicts scenes of everyday life, of farming, fishing, playing… They make us feel closer to our ancestors involved in the same kind of activities we often are.…
Mosaics reflect light in a unique way Because they are not perfectly level, each one of the many tiles composing a mosaic reflects the light at a very different angle.…