Happy New Year Y’all !
Bringing you this lovely 4th century Greek mosaic from Halicarnassus, Turkey, with my best wishes of
“Health, Life (Longevity), Joy, Peace, Contentment (Good Cheer), Hope”.
I have been quite busy working on the new house, lots of improvement to make in this 200 years old cottage. It is going to take me quite some time to get a mosaic workshop going, but I am progressing. The winter’s been quite mild at the beginning, and then hit us with 2 weeks of heavy freezing, There’s no way you can work outside, mortars and grout won’t set, glue won’t dry up…
And then of course, your fingers get stiff when you work in the cold…
But, I built a nice cascade mosaic for my new shower !

It’s a design I enjoy for showers, I built 2 of these in Alabama. Quite consuming for I had decided to mount the tesserae directly on the wall.

And I am not even going to tell you how French houses are built very different from American wooden house. Here, everything is concrete blocks (best scenario) or more exotic materials such as “torchis” (a mix of clay and straw) or mixed arrangement of cobblestones and bricks… So when you work on houses here, you are going to use much heavier equipment than the ones you use to work on framed houses !
I have also been laying regular tiles. Two of the rooms of the house only had a bare concrete floor. (Yes, i got a country house !) Actually I started to lay regular tiles before I got into mosaics 20 years ago ! AN experience quite convenient to have when you remodel a house on a limited budget !

I have been using regular tiles that look like wood. The end result is excellent, and it is quite resilient !
I have many mosaic related projects for 2023. I probably won’t be able to carry them all out, but i won’t get bored !
- Setting up a mosaic workshop
- Experimenting with bronze casting and mosaic
- writing a book about geometric mosaic designs
- …
More about this in due time 😀 !

I wish you all, your families and the rest of the world a happy and peaceful 2023 year.
May you and all beings be happy, content & fulfilled.
May you and all beings be healed & whole.
May you and all have whatever they want & need.
May you and all be protected from harm & free from fear.
May you and all beings enjoy inner peace & ease.
May you and all be awakened, liberated, and free.
May there be peace in this world.
And through the entire universe.