It is not always easy to let go !
Like most artists I put a lot of myself in my art.
Because what I try to express, consciously or not, is deeply meaningful to me, I can sometimes get deeply attached to the pieces I have created. It feels like I poured myself into it. Of course I want to make it available for sale or give it away, but the thought of letting it go feels like a wrench.
And then of course I remember that I do not create for myself, but to share with others, the community that supports me. I need to realize that I will not lose a part of myself by releasing something I just created, for if anything, the process of creating expands me. It brings me more alive than ever, for creation is an expression, not a giving up.
Finding a good home for it makes it easier to let go of your art
Although it may sometimes be difficult to let one piece go, it is a great pleasure to know that it’s find a good home; that it is going to a place where it will be appreciated and that it will bring joy into the house or venue where it is now to be hosted.

I am very pleased to announce that Carola Quinta, the 5th in my series of Carole’s eyes, found last week her new home in Dothan.

Thank you dear Holly for letting her adorn your house. I hope your daughter and you enjoy it every time you enter the house, and that your guests are merry eating and drinking at your table under her benevolent eyes !