Gallo-Roman medallion

A Gallo-Roman medallion

When I first visited the Archeological museum of the Val d’Oise in 2021 i was stunned by monumental sculptures and frescoes  from the Gallo Roman sanctuary of Vaux de la Celle.

Beside the monumental sculptures one of the frescoes really got my attention…

Original fresco at the Museum of Val d'oise

The geometric pattern of this fresco actually is quite similar to patterns often met in Roman mosaics.

Gallo-Roman Medallion # 6, Lugdunum
Gallo_Roman Medaillon No 6 of the great geometric mosaic of Lugdunum


Gallo Roman medallions, Villa Loupian, 3rd century, France
Villa Loupian, Herault, France

Phaeton’s mosaic, Sens Museum, France

Bank of England, London, UK

An other good indication that antic painters and mosaicists worked closely together and shared common patterns. ..

Medium: Glass & ceramic on Panel

Frame : Painted Steel
Size: 20 x 20 cm
Price: 225.00 Euros
Availability: Available

Reproduction en mosaïque d’une fresque monumentale representant une rosace dans le sanctuaire gallo-romain de Vaux de la Celles dans le Val d’Oise.

Tesselles de Verre et Céramique, Cadre en Acier, 20 x 20 cm (8 x 8 “)

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