
Roman mosaics in Chalon sur Saone

In Chalon sur Saone like in Anse, many splendid Roman villae were decorated with amazing Roman mosaics.

A Travel and Design guide to the Roman mosaics in Chalon sur Saone

This 3rd chapter of my Travel and Design Guide to Roman mosaics in France describes them.

Some of these beauties survived frost, indifference or loot; you can visit them at the Musee Denon.

The SHell mosaic in the Musee Denon in Chalon sur Saone.
Shell mosaic at the Musee Denon

Others have vanished since they were discovered, but we still have descriptions and drawings of them, buried under tons of materials in ancient archives ! And I found them for you !

Drawing of the roman mosaic found in 1844 in Sens
Mosaic found in 1844 in Sans


The guide can be downloaded for free here : Roman_mosaics_in_Chalon_sur_Saone

Roman mosaics in Chalon sur Saone_Cover Page


It is not an academic piece, some people are better than me at doing that  ! So I added a few things about local history, gastronomy, and of course many of my own pictures and drawings of these patterns and figures used by the antic mosaicists.

Chariot race Roman mosaic, Musee Denon, Chalon sur Saone
Chariot Race mosaic


Roman mosaics in Chalon_Drawing # 1
Drawing of Mosaic discovered in 1852


Roman mosaics in Chalon_Drawing # 2
Drawing of mosaic discovered in 1840

Between 1840 and 1897, a total of 230 square meters (2500 sq ft) were discovered paving 2 villae on each side of the Saone river. Today, 3.5 square meters (less than 40 sq ft) are left to see at the Musee Denon. The worst enemies of Roman mosaics are humidity and frost. Second worst are humans who sell, loot, or sell them. I provide a few details in the article. We can be very thankful to the artists who recorded what was found at the times of the discoveries ! 


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Discovery History & Archeology Mosaics Trips & Visits
place de l'hotel de ville, 71100, Chalon sur Saone Map
BUrgundy, Chalon, France, Gaule, geometric, guide, mosaic, mosaique, museum, romaine, roman, travel, travel guide
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