Don’t miss the Grand opening of my Mosaic Show !
On Next Saturday August 8, at 2:00 pm I will officially open my next mosaic show : “The eyes are the mirror of the Soul” at Mural City Coffee Company on Foster Street downtown Dothan
40 mosaics displayed, some never shown or published.
Many pieces already published on my site or seen in other shows will be displayed on the beautiful brick walls of MCC, among them 6 of my Carole’s eyes series

But there will be quite a few new pieces I just completed in June.
Some will come as series :

And some will be unique !

Yabusame is the last mosaic I completed in 2020. At 45 x 34″ it is one of my biggest pieces. I used some very bright glass tiles from China, Turkey, France and Italy to build it. I had been wanting to lay this piece for several years. It is my best mosaic so far and I am very proud of it !

There will be 40 pieces displayed on the beautiful brick walls of Mural City Coffee. This show s my biggest so far, and I am very thankful to Zak and Destiny at Mural City Coffee to give the opportunity to display my mosaics in their place. Some of the pieces have been displayed before in art shows or other events; some are brand new. I created several small pieces less pricey than my big ones.
We will be installing the show next Monday and the grand opening will be on Saturday August 8, 2020 at 02:00 pm. Please join me there. We can have coffee together,. (They have a special Arabica from Laos that is absolutely magnificent). I will be available to speak about my work, about other art I create, and my future projects. Then we can all walk one block to have a beer at my other favourite place in Dothan, the Thirsty Pig ! (where you can see an other of my Mosaics right above the beer taps !

Last Mosaic Show in the US
“The eyes are the Mirror of the Soul” will also be my last mosaic show in the US, for at least several years.
I have been living in this part of the word for 28 years and made a nice life here, I thought my children would one day come live here with me, but they changed their minds. When my Father passed 2 years ago I promised I would be there for my Mother, and I cannot do this from here. And next month my first granddaughter Rose will be born. My family needs me. I am moving back to them !
Whether you want to purchase some of my Art or simply discuss Mosaics and Art in general, there will be very little opportunity to do this after this August 8.
August 8, 2:00 pm, please join me !