Greek and Roman Mosaics by Umberto Pappalardo & Rosaria Ciardiello

In Mosaic literature, some books stand out.

Greek and Roman mosaics by Umberto Pappalardo and Rosaria Ciordello is one of them.

Image result forGreek and Roman mosaics book

The first part of the book reviews more general questions about the Art : Origin, Etymology, Labour, Materials, Design and actual Laying techniques.

Pompeii, Villa Fabius Rufus, 1st cent BC

The second part is a tour of the most important centers of the art from the origin in Pella, Macedonia,

Lion Head, Pebble mosaic in Pappalardo book
Lion Head, Pebble Mosaic, Pella, 4th cent BC

to the 6th century Byzantine Basilica San Vitale in Ravenna, which mark the transition from Antiquity to early Middle Ages.

Theodora mosaic Pillow on
Empress Theodora, Ravenna

Special attention is given to Pompeii, Herculanum and their surroundings.

Glass mosaic of a peacock on a garland, Herculanum, Italy, 1st century
Peacock on a Garland, Herculanum, 1st century

You can download an excellent quality PDF of the French version of this Book by Clicking on its cover image below :

BOOK Mosaiques grecques et romaines - Cover

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