Prayer Labyrinth
Medium: Stone
Size: 42 ‘ Diameter
Availability: Not For Sale
I built the Labyrinth of the Church of the Nativity in Dothan, AL from September 2004 to December 2005. Originally, this community project was going to involve numerous members of the Church. As usual, things turned out differently and I actually performed most of the work. Which I enjoyed throroughly.
The Labyrinth is 42′ (14 m) in diameter and is made mostly of 4 x 8″ (10 x 20 cm) pavers.
The first stones were laid on October 16, 2004.
In March 2005, we had completed the pavement of 2/3 of the Path.
For the inside part of the path, each paver had to be individually cut. On the outside part, things were much easier: one just had to be methodical to follow a regular pattern. Unfortunately, this is not given to everyone, and I had to undo and redo the work of several un-methodical helpers. The way to Hell is indeed paved with good intentions…
The whole work was completed on November 11, 2005
Open to the public, the Labyrinth is used on a regular basis for prayer or meditation.

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For more details, do not hesitate to contact me.