Since I’ve moved back to the Holy land of France about 8 month ago, the only mosaics of mine I shared in this blog are my little Ukrainian flag mosaics. (BTW, I mounted 3 more of them yesterday along the river’s bank! :))
I did not give up !
Please don’t believe I abandoned my actual mosaics ! I have actually been laying quite some tiles and have many irons in the fire as you will see down there ! It is just that, because I haven’t been able to fully operate in my small studio, I could not complete many of the pieces I got started, but I will pretty soon !

What’s up MosaicBlues ?
Here are some pieces which have been brewing in MosaicBlues France’s studio since last July 2021.
Lullingstone Europa
I previously wrote about her in this article. She is a prime example of a 3rd – 4th century Romano-British style of mosaics which I really enjoy more and more as I am getting familiar with it.

- 4 colors ceramic
- 68 x 51 cm (27 x 20″)
- Available Summer 2022
Big Fish
Here is a piece inspired by the wonderful Oceanos mosaic displayed at the entrance of the archaeological museum of St Romain en Gal.

- Black and White ceramic
- 15 x 34 cm (6 x 13.5″)
- Available June 2022
The Genainville Rosace
This elegant rosace is quite interesting. Its design is very often seen in mosaics, but in Genainville, it was painted al fresco on the wall of a religious sanctuary. It can be seen at the beautiful Musee Archeologique du Val d’Oise.

I have recreated – albeit at a smaller scale, this Genainville rosace.

- ceramic, glass and iridescent glass
- 20 x 20 cm (8 x 8″)
- Available June 2022
The Arkades Clay Plate
I designed this piece after a clay plate from 7th century Crete, it is described in “The Goddess and the Warrior” by Nanno Marinatos

I created several variations of this very original design
and had to adapt based on the colors I had available at the time. (I love gold borders…)

- ceramic, glass and gilded mirror.
- 37 x 37 cm (14.5 x 14.5″)
- Available summer 2022
Catacomb Venus
Catacomb Venus is the name I gave to this unusual piece. Dated from the 3rd or 4th century, it was originally the bottom of a drinking cup and had been recycled to mark the location of a burial niche in Roman catacombs.

This design is quite unique for Venus (or a lesser Nereid goddess) is here riding a very unusual stag-horned hippocampus. The decor was painted in gold at the bottom of the cup, and a 2nd sheet of glass welded on top of it. A brilliant design !

- ceramic, glass and gilded mirror.
- 31 x 31 cm (12.2 x 12.2″)
- Available summer 2022
These are just a few of the irons I have on the stove at this time. I have also been working on 2 bigger pieces I plan to unveil before the summer solstice. All above pieces above will be available shortly once I secure a reliable blacksmith to build steel frame for them.
Next week, I’ll resume publication of models and drawings, Stay tuned !