2009 – a liquid mosaic
In 2009, Alyson Lyons created in Australia a liquid mosaic portrait of Mona Lisa. I reported the event in my previous blog post : Mona Lisa mosaic created with cups of coffee.

3,604 cups of coffee and 564 pints of milk participated in the event.
2016 – a mystery mosaic
In 2016, I installed at the Wiregrass Museum of Art a Mystery Mosaic to be built by the visitors to the museum.

The model of the mystery mosaic, designed in Opus Pixellatum, looked like a huge spreadsheet covered with numbers from 1 to 7.

Tesserae – mosaic tiles – of 7 different colors were provided for visitors to the museum to glue them on top of the model. Of course, beside the fact that it was the portrait of a famous person, nobody knew what the final result would be !
And this really was the fun part of the game: guess whose portrait the mosaic was ! BTW, did you recognize her ? Her name is Sharbat Gula, and I made a mosaic of her eyes you can see at the Alabama College of Osteopathic Medicine
2018 – Alabama’s biggest liquid mosaic.
Now to get the best of both liquid and mystery, MosaicBlues and the Thirsty Pig taproom invite you to join us next Friday, October 19 at 6:30 pm, at the Thirsty Pig, to build together Alabama’s first and biggest liquid mosaic.
4 liquids, 2000 glasses.
We will build this magnificent, unique and ephemeral mosaic with 2000 shotglasses, filled with 4 different liquids, laid on top of a model similar to the one used for the 2016 Mystery mosaic…

This is where and when we need your help. We need volunteers to bring these 2000 glasses from the bar to the stage where we will build the mosaic.
Figure it out – get a free beer !
The mosaic is a portrait of a modern celebrity – it is not a politician. Everyone present that evening in the assembly is invited to guess his or her identity. The first one to figure it out will win liquid rewards to be specified that evening at the beginning of the event !